Mindfulness Without Need for Meditation: Exploring The Life-Changing Discoveries of the “Mother of Mindfulness

Mindfulness Without Need for Meditation: Exploring The Life-Changing Discoveries of the “Mother of Mindfulness
Step into the world of Professor Ellen Langer, often hailed as the “Mother of Mindfulness,” whose groundbreaking research has transformed our understanding of health, ageing, success, decision-making and creativity.
In this immersive workshop, we’ll explore Langer’s profound findings on how mindfulness, as a process of active noticing, can positively influence our physical and mental well-being. Discover how small shifts in awareness can spark more fun, creativity, reduce stress, and even alter symptoms in surprising ways.
Learn about her studies on symptom variability, ageing in reverse, and the incredible impact of seeing mindfulness as a playful, engaged practice. This workshop invites you to experience mindfulness as a rich, curiosity-driven approach to life—no meditation needed!
The workshop will include a free signed copy of one of Shamash’s latest books.