The Magic of Awakening Glastonbury Retreat

The Magic of Awakening Glastonbury Retreat
This retreat is designed for Lightworkers, Healers and Starseeds. Held in the beautiful and sacred landscape of Glastonbury that is often referred to as the Heart Chakra of the planet. Glastonbury is certainly a place of connecting to light, alchemy and ascension.
This retreat is an opportunity to dive into the energies and themes of ascension, alchemy and self-mastery. There will also be space to visit many of the important sites such as The Tor and Chalice Well Gardens.
Ascension means moving from a 3D fear/separation timeline to a new 5D love-interconnectedness-multidimensional timeline. This weekend is a space to release the old 3D matrix and embrace more of your inner light, inner divinity, and align with the new frequencies impacting the planet now. (Please note that ascension is not about leaving our bodies and living in the etheric - it’s about bringing light to everyday life and earth).
There will be processes, meditation-transmissions, time for personal reflection, and the wonderful landscape of Glastonbury to help you ground that light in the cells of your energy bodies.
Steve Ahnael Nobel is a published author (his most recent being Starseeds), book mentor, coach, and founder of Soul Matrix Healing. He was a director of Alternatives for 13 years.
Catherine Björksten is a spiritual counsellor and Soul Plan reader. After many years spent working in marketing and advertising Catherine’s life took a turn when she came to a major crossroad (i.e. she crashed and burned out. This experience pointed the way towards connecting with the multidimensional worlds of spirit. Her journey has taken her to experience sacred plant medicine, a vision quest in the Pyrenees and the Peruvian Andes to work closely with the Paqos (Incan wisdom keepers).
Price £250 per person. Travel and accomodation not included.