Journey Through Self-Love to the Infinite Peace Beyond the Self

Journey Through Self-Love to the Infinite Peace Beyond the Self
Are you looking for Self-love, or the infinite peace of freedom from the Self? These two traditions of self-knowledge and wisdom have often been taught separately. However, Caroline’s clear philosophy, born of a lifetime of inner work, personal revelation and experience, shows us that both these seeming opposites are needed in order to face the task of living our authentic truth in a chaotic, modern world.
The challenge is to hold our messy, frightened, angry, painful human in unconditional love, facing the root of ourselves and all selves with compassion, whilst also holding awareness of the ever-present stillness and perfection of the One-ness beyond separate form. Then life becomes a movement in presence which is always new.
Join Caroline for her first talk at St James’s and explore this deeply practical philosophy of life, tasting how it feels to move through Self-love to Infinite Peace.