Journey through compassionate love to the infinite peace which lies beyond the Self

Journey through compassionate love to the infinite peace which lies beyond the Self
Are you struggling with self-love in this messy, chaotic world whilst also yearning for a deep peace that is limitless?
The key to understanding the modern challenges we face lies in learning to hold our frightened, angry, lonely, painful self in unconditional love, seeing our story as a perfect part of the tapestry of life, while also holding awareness of the ever-present stillness and perfection of the One-ness beyond separate form.
Then life becomes a movement in presence which is always new.
After her first talk with Alternatives in March, we are pleased to present a three-part course on Caroline’s deeply practical spiritual teaching, uniquely combining the Western tradition of Self-love with the profound Eastern philosophy of Enlightenment.
‘As the world faces crisis after crisis, there has never been a more important time for each of us to find an inner truth which is unshakeable.’
Monday 8 August 6pm - SESSION 1
What is inner Freedom?
Understanding the root of conflict in ourselves and Humanity.
Learning how to view our individual Self and story with eyes of love.
Exploring the subjective nature of the Self, but also its perfection.
Monday 15 August 6pm - Session 2
What is the relationship between the separate Self and all selves?
How can we exist together in relationship without conflict?
What is the basis of love?
Monday 22 August 6pm - Session 3
Recognising the door to inner freedom from the Self.
How do we know the Timeless with a brain which has evolved through time?
Experiencing the infinite peace beyond all separation.
Understanding the challenge of bringing this peace through the journey of our messy human lives.