Healing Spirit and Soul with Sacred Oils

Healing Spirit and Soul with Sacred Oils
This 3 session online course is an opportunity to enter the mysteries of the Myrrophore tradition and to learn how re-align and re-balance the soul for healing and transformation.
Felicity Warner, is a Myrrhophore (Myrrh bearing woman) author of the acclaimed book Sacred Oils and lineage holder of this ancient tradition which is linked to Mary Magdalene and Egyptian celestial medicine. She uses Sacred Oils for their energetic properties to re-balance, heal and re-align spirit and soul.
Sacred Oils facilitate profound and deep healing .They can help us to to raise our frequency, develop vision and prophecy and access divine knowledge
Session 1 Mon 11 Oct – Vision and prophecy with Myrtle, Angelica, Marigold
Session 2 Mon 18 Oct – Healing Soul Wounds with Ravensara, Rose and Yarrow
Session 3 Mon 25 Oct – Raising your frequency with Sandalwood, Frankincense and Holy Basil
You can use your own oils for this course or buy them via the Soul Midwives store https://soulmidwivesshop.org/product-category/oils/essential-oils/
Purchasing the oils is not a pre-requisite for the course. If you do not have them to hand, we will connect with their unique healing frequencies through intention, sound and meditation on the evening.
Very occasionally people are sensitive to essential oils and if you are pregnant or known to have allergies or have a medical condition of any kind please check out these oils before you use them The Tisserand Institute https://tisserandinstitute.org has very good information on individual oils.