Embracing The Shadow weekend

Embracing The Shadow weekend
The Shadow is the part of us made up of all that we hide from others: our shame, our fears, our wounds but also our divine spirit, our blinding beauty and our hidden talents.
It is a huge source of power and creativity but until we bring it into the light this power will remain untapped and our full potential unreached.
Using practical “how to” exercises sourced from Tibetan Buddhism, western psychology, Mexican shamanism, and of course dream work and lucid dreaming, Charlie takes us on an immersive journey deep into the dazzling darkness of spiritual transformation.
Using Tibetan Buddhist meditations, dream work, mask and mirror practice, eye gazing, creative writing and lots more the workshop explores how to:
· Meet, befriend and transform the shadow
· Integrate the sexual, ancestral and golden shadows
· Use lucid dreaming to embrace the shadow
· Move from shame to authenticity
· Drop the mask and step into your gold.