The Art of Wellbeing Intuitive Painting Workshop

The Art of Wellbeing Intuitive Painting Workshop
How often do you play? Let go? Have fun for the fun of it? Rarely.
We live in a busy world that demands high performance, multi-tasking, following the process and playing by the rules. This can leave us overwhelmed and confused, with not much room for creativity in our everyday lives. As a result we have lost our connection to our deep, inner, true, creative and intuitive selves.
Intuitive painting enables you to access your highest wisdom. It helps you figure out what you want to do and how to do it, so that you begin to create your life rather than react to it.
Creating spontaneously, allowing the painting evolve until there is an explosion of energy and colour on the canvas is a liberating and healing experience. When you explore and play without judgement, you tap into your inner knowing. Through the intuitive use of colour, you are able to connect to their activating energies. This helps with clarity, action steps and finding answers.
Whether you are looking for something new and fun to try, or you are looking for a safe place explore challenging feelings such as loss, anger, anxiety or fear, my intuitive painting workshops are an amazing way to support your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
No art/painting experience necessary.