Opening Spiritual Realms with Creative Imagery
On this evening the audience will experience the latest technology with what Martha Fiennes describes as ‘film paintings’ and view her first work, Nativity, which is part of the ground-breaking SLOimage media. This will be a highly immersive new visual experience, which has the potential to shift the viewer’s mood to offer a positive transformative effect to the viewer in real time.
This ‘film-painting’ is self-generating, 'dynamic' and never ending. It is impossible to predict what 'may happen next' as this is un-knowable. There is no fixed requirement of time asked of the viewer and Martha considers that whatever the 'painting' reveals at the time of viewing, is synchronistic and appropriate for that viewing at that time.
Martha will explain how the potent nature of 'archetype' in visual form constitutes an aspect of involuntary memory known already to the soul and that communication at this level can be immediate and profound. Martha believes that forms of imagery that echo engagement with cosmic intelligence have been experienced and celebrated by previous civilisations; she is interested in the creation of immersive imagery that may trigger associations with timelessness and to universal intelligent energy, which we are all able to access for our well-being.