The Temple of Aphrodite: Create a New Template of Love

The Temple of Aphrodite: Create a New Template of Love
Aphrodite is well-known as an Ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality. Classic Greek mythology says she was born from the sea foam around Paphos, Cyprus yet her roots lie deep in the ancient goddess cultures of the Middle East and before that, in the high-frequency civilization of Lemuria.
Aphrodite exudes pure divine feminine radiance and is a powerful Heart chakra healer. As a divine queen in Lemuria, she reigned over all matters of love, romance, and relationships.
In this workshop you’ll enter an immersive divine feminine sanctuary and be introduced to the goddess Aphrodite as a spiritual guide.
Working with Aphrodite can help you to open your heart to love and remember the sacred aspect of romantic relationships. Entering the Temple of Aphrodite can release and heal wounds and unfinished business from past relationships on a deep level. This can free your energy up to create new beginnings in love. Aphrodite can help you build new frequencies of trust, openness and heart connection – with yourself, or with a new or an existing partner.
Through channelled meditations and soul activation journeys, you’ll be offered deep soul healing from Aphrodite’s rose quartz crystal in Lemuria.
Sophie will create safe, sacred space to invoke an energetic connection with Aphrodite, so you can:
- Awaken your ancient soul connection to Aphrodite and Lemuria
- Experience the gift of pure sacred feminine Heart energy
- Create a new sacred template for loving, cherishing, appreciating, and valuing yourself
- Dissolve negative energy attachments or old patterns from relationships (can include from past lifetimes)
- Open up to a new love relationship with a high frequency
- Deepen or elevate the energy within an existing bond or partnership
- Receive guidance from Aphrodite on your next steps in love and relationships
If you feel drawn to entering The Temple of Aphrodite, know that it’s time to create a fresh template of love, with a vibration that truly honours your beautiful soul.