In this special workshop + book launch, we will dive into the year ahead as well as learn practical techniques to help manifest your New Year's Resolution
2024 promises great global and personal transformation with Pluto, the Lord of Death and Rebirth, settling in Aquarius for the first time since the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the signing of the USA Constitution.
2024 is baptized with blood and conflict (North Node in Aries), floods and natural calamities (Saturn in Pisces), disinformation and lies (Jupiter exiled in Gemini), and ideological clashes between conservatives and liberals (Pluto transits from Capricorn to Aquarius). Amplifying the mythical undertones of 2024 is the fact that it’s also the Chinese year of the Dragon. But worry not, this workshop is designed to help you navigate these cosmic frequencies, aspects, and transits.
What stories do the planets scribe for us in 2024?
Why is 2024 a clash between past and future, the old and young?
Why is 2024 associated with dreams, intuition, yoga, dance, and mysticism?
What does the Year of the Dragon mean?

This workshop is a magical mystery tour into the Astrology of the year ahead, and you will leave this class with all the tools you need to make your wishes a reality as well as when to do it.
As we map out the year ahead, we investigate:
• Dates of Mercury, Mars, and Venus retrogrades.
• Full and New Moons & how to work with Moon magic.
• Blessed & challenging dates.
• Eclipses and other significant periods.
Choosing when to start your New Year Resolution.
What constitutes a “good” resolution?
How to utilize Kabbalistic principles in fulfilling your wish.
Meditation for creative visualizations.
Teach yourself how to surf life's synchronicities and become a master of your own destiny.
Gahl will be signing copies of his new book and participants will be able to purchase a copy of the book for 30% off at the event.
Gahl is available for private readings while in town. You can email him directly: