Mushuk Nina: Shamanic Healing of the Sacred Fire

Mushuk Nina: Shamanic Healing of the Sacred Fire
Monday, May 1, 2023 - 18:00 to 21:00
Alternatives says:
Itzhak Beery is an internationally recognized shamanic teacher, healer, speaker and author
Join us for an illuminating experience where we will awaken the Sacred Nina within. The Nina, in Kichwa, the language of the Incas, symbolizes the internal fire linked to vitality, life force energy, inner power, passion, creativity, and sexual energy. It is located in the area of the pelvis, under the emotional element of Water, and is connected to the masculine energies in each of us.
During this evening, we will use traditional shamanic methods to connect with Nina's transformative spirit and power. We will offer sacrifices and offerings to Nina through a candle ceremony and use movement and dance to integrate its energy into our bodies and lives.
We use red roses and white candles for the ceremony (these will be provided). Please bring a drum or rattle if you wish.
By confronting our inner darkness and igniting the Nina, we will rediscover the light within us and embrace the joy and happiness of life. Don't miss this opportunity to awaken the Sacred Nina and live life with passion.