Embodying Grace in Daily Life

Embodying Grace in Daily Life

Monday, September 20, 2021 - 19:00 to 20:30
Alternatives says: 
Learn how to embody the most noble qualities of your deepest nature

You may have moments where the concerns and constraints of ego give way to Grace, but what does it take to live in this world while remaining grounded in the luminous presence that is never rocked and does not change? How can we embody the noble qualities of our deepest nature with all that life brings, turning everyday situations into the path of awakening? What can help close that gap between luminous moments and the way we actually live daily life?

In this online talk, Miranda will share her feminine approach to spiritual surrender, and why Grace is the key to accessing deeper dimensions of consciousness, transforming your suffering into wisdom, living your highest potential in this world and serving its evolution.

Discover how Ego Relaxation can support you to stay present, open-hearted and responsive as you navigate blessings and challenges within your relationships, your work and even while watching the news. Miranda will share what can help you to rest inwardly, and listen to the innate love and wisdom that guides you into becoming a living embodiment of Grace in daily life.

Just as a single jasmine blossom can uplift the entire room with its exquisite fragrance, so your very presence can radiate noble qualities and a heavenly breeze deeper into our world. Non-dual awakening is not simply for some of us to have a happier time of things, but to birth more loving, wise, graceful human beings in every country, every boardroom, and every home.

About the speaker, Miranda Macpherson

Miranda Macpherson is a spiritual teacher, interfaith minister and author who shares a feminine approach to surrender and nondual realization based on the practice she calls Ego Relaxation. Her wisdom and palpable transmission invites others to become more graceful human beings through inquiry, meditation, devotion and psychological integration.

Grounded in extensive study of the worlds’ wisdom traditions, and inspired by Sri Ramana Maharshi, A Course in Miracles and the Diamond Approach, Miranda has been guiding others into direct experience of the sacred for thirty years. In her twenties she founded the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation in London, where she trained and ordained over 600 ministers and counselors. Today Miranda leads the Living Grace Global Sangha and the Living Grace Sonoma Sangha in northern California, leads retreats internationally, serves as core faculty at The Shift Network, and member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity.

Her books include The Way of Grace: the Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation (Sounds True), Boundless Love (Rider) and Meditations on Boundless Love (Sounds True). Miranda is also a kirtan musician with a mantra album The Heart of Being. Unapologetically feminine, joyful and down to earth in her way of being, Miranda is dedicated to loving people all the way back into the freedom and wholeness of our true nature.

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