Soul Mending: How to Heal Soul Traumas with Soul Retrieval

Soul Mending: How to Heal Soul Traumas with Soul Retrieval
Hidden and painful traumas often force the psyche to suppress difficult feelings to carry on, but this takes its toll on the soul and the personal life choices and liveliness.
Traditional shamans view this “soul loss” - the wounding of a person’s spirit due to trauma - as a leading cause of physical and psychological dysfunction. The often unconscious impulse to numb one’s feelings in such circumstances is the psyche’s survival strategy.
The shamanic approach to healing this serious condition is to spiritually journey into the unseen world, locate the lost part of the soul, ask for permission to retrieve it, blow it into the energy body, and reintegrate it into your current life with a powerful commitment to return to wholeness.
In this seminar, you’ll learn: * What is a soul, and what is your unique soul mission* The different causes for soul loss
* Travel to the spirit world and access the wisdom of inner guides
* Diagnose soul loss symptoms
* Develop the ability to “see” the source of our own and other people’s traumas* Learn ‘Platica’ the Art of Shamanic Counseling* Learn about core-shamanism soul retrieval method* Practice retrieving an inner-child soul part