Livestream - Taoist Healing Sounds Qigong: The Path to Inner Harmony

Livestream - Taoist Healing Sounds Qigong: The Path to Inner Harmony
Sunday, June 14, 2020 - 15:30 to 17:30
Alternatives says:
Online masterclass with Qigong Grandmaster
Enjoy learning a dynamic coordination of breath, movement, and sound to purge the major internal organs of stagnant or imbalanced energy, including the Lungs, Heart, Spleen, Liver, and Kidneys.
This ancient Taoist longevity method is now recommended in China as part of adjunctive therapy for COVID-19. In addition to instruction, demonstration, and practice, Ken will also teach the link between the Healing Sounds and ancient Chinese music therapy and how anyone can incorporate this information for personal well-being or to cleanse and energize their home or work space.
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