Qigong for Renewal, Tranquility, & Balance

Qigong for Renewal, Tranquility, & Balance
Saturday, May 16, 2020 - 18:30 to 20:00
Alternatives says:
Movement based online class
Learn core qigong practices that improve posture, breathing, and energy.
Fill your body’s reservoir (the dan tian), especially important if your reserves have been depleted by stress, worry, illness, or lack of usual exercise or activity. The goal is not just to give you a sampling, but to practice easy-to-learn methods with enough repetition that you can continue to benefit on your own. We will explore methods from the Yi Quan style of Qigong, including:
- Standing Meditation Postures
- Postural adjustments for better alignment, deep breathing, and relaxation
- Walking Meditation based on storing, moving, and expressing internal energy
- Healing Imagery for grounding, so you can stand as stable as a mountain
This is a style of qigong that can easily be combined with other health or fitness routines. Perfect for beginners or any level.
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