Deeper into the Real: Sourcing our true power and joy

Deeper into the Real: Sourcing our true power and joy
Monday, July 22, 2019 - 19:00 to 20:30
Alternatives says:
Danielle LaPorte is a creative, a writer and an entrepreneur
With accounts of self-help adventures gone wrong and breakthroughs that made it all right, Danielle LaPorte cheerleads all Seekers to find a feelings-based approach to intentionally creating our lives.
The eventual realization is that with your heart intelligence you become your own guru who is interdependent with the Divine Intelligence. In the heart is that pain we avoid, and the medicine for our suffering. It’s where our humanness meets our holiness. And with sincerity and willingness, it’s where we meet each other to heal ourselves and the planet that’s been so generous with us.
Join Danielle for her first talk at Alternatives - this event will sell out, book now to avoid disappointment!