The Way of the Kairomancer: Navigating by Synchronicity

The Way of the Kairomancer: Navigating by Synchronicity
The physicist and the shaman agree: we live in a conscious universe where everything is alive and connected, and mind and matter interweave. To live most fully in this universe, we must navigate by synchronicity, poised to recognize and act in Kairos moments when the universe gets personal.
A kairomancer is ready seize on the revelation or opportunity in these special moments.
In this fun, high-octane adventure, you will learn
- · Why you want to view dreams more literally and waking life more symbolically
- · How to become a “strange attractor” for happy events and encounters
- · How any setback can offer an opportunity:
- · How to put your question to the world and receive guidance on a life theme
- · How the passions of the soul work magic
You will grow the poetic consciousness that allows you to recognize how life rhymes and hear the many voices of the Speaking Land. This is a path of natural magic that takes you beyond self-limiting beliefs into a life of wild freedom and possibility.
You will find you are living on a mythic edge and will dance with the Trickster, play wonderful new games, and leave with resources for conscious living that will put a champagne fizz of magic into your everyday life.
Recommended reading: Robert Moss, Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity in Everyday Life