SOLD OUT! The Lake District NEW YEAR Retreat

SOLD OUT! The Lake District NEW YEAR Retreat
Calling all Lightworkers and Starseeds. As you know we are in a time of a great global energy shift from fear to love, separation consciousness to unity and struggle to new possibilities. Many have experienced this outgoing year as an incredible learning curve of challenges and spiritual gifts. Now we are heading into the new year this is an ideal time for release, reflection and for opening up to something new.
This retreat is an opportunity to release the old year and any associated discordant energies while taking time to embrace and integrate all of the learnings. There are karmic patterns and ‘blocks’ coming up for dissolution and there is an abundance of spiritual tools and processes to clear old entrenched karma now. This clearing allows us to notice new energetic doorways, which lead to new choices and a whole new energetic space where we can more elegantly allow, attract, magnetise a new reality. A reality with a higher potential of joy, of light, of connection, of love, of purpose and global service.
This retreat offers the space to reflect and connect with your inner life to discover what is truly alive within you now at this pivotal moment. You are a multidimensional being which means you are more resourceful than you currently realise. There are soul gifts, doorways of possibility and untapped potential waiting to be birthed into this reality. The question is are you ready, are you willing?
In this amazing retreat space, you will have the opportunity to raise your energy and get clear on your choices, goals, projects and direction in the coming year. There will be gentle morning exercise and energy attunements to get your energy flowing. During the day, there will be group processes, deep transmission-meditations and space for reflection. This retreat is ideal for anyone who feels they are ready to make a shift in consciousness and direction.
£595 per person includes accommodation and all meals. Only £195 deposit