Women’s Health – Using Nutrition To Balance Your Hormones

Women’s Health – Using Nutrition To Balance Your Hormones
Join me once a week over three weeks for a live webinar to find out how to increase your energy, eliminate mood swings, get rid of cravings, improve your memory, reduce stress, anxiety, tension and irritability, sleep well and lose weight without dieting. Find out how to get rid of PMS, balancing hormones to help with endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, fertility and reducing your risk of breast cancer.
Do you need help with perimenopause or menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, aching joints, memory loss, lack of libido and vaginal dryness? Find out what vitamins, minerals and herbs you should be taking and how to know which ones are a waste of money. Discover how you can improve your thyroid function and metabolism as you may be on thyroid medication and still feel exhausted and overweight. And know which tests are important to have at different stages of your life.
There will time for questions and answers on each live webinar.
Are your hormones ruling your life?
Your hormones can affect every part of your life no matter what age you are. They can cause problems with energy, mood swings, food cravings, memory and concentration, muscle cramps, sweating, anxiety, tension and irritability. They can even change how well your digestive system works giving you symptoms such as bloating, flatulence and IBS.
Imbalances of female hormones can give you PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, infertility and there are all the symptoms associated with the change in hormones at the perimenopause and menopause.
And the way your hormones work can affect your weight and body shape. They can cause you to gain weight particularly around the middle of your body which can then increase your risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s and breast cancer. Your hormones can also give you cravings for certain foods.
The common reasons why hormones can be out of balance are stress, poor diet, nutritional deficiencies and lack of exercise.
To balance hormones naturally there needs to be a combination of a good diet, supplements and lifestyle changes in order to give your body the tools it needs to address the underlying cause of the problem.
Adding in specific nutrients can be extremely beneficial alongside the dietary recommendations.Each woman’s health problem will require a different programme of supplements and herbs but there are some nutrients which are important for the majority of female hormone problems.
With any female hormone imbalances, such as fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, it is important that your liver is functioning efficiently. The liver is the waste disposal unit of your body, not only for toxins, waste products, drugs and alcohol, but also for your hormones. If the liver is not functioning efficiently, old hormones can accumulate.These old hormones are left over after each menstrual cycle, but unless they are deactivated by the liver, they can return to the bloodstream.
As well as avoiding substances that can compromise the liver, such as alcohol, nutrients can help liver function.
Stress can worse female hormone imbalances and trigger many symptoms including moods swings, anxiety, irritability, nervousness, aggressive outbursts, fatigue, palpitations, forgetfulness, anxiety, confusion, inability to concentrate, crying spells, headaches, muscle cramps, digestive problems and food cravings. You may not be able to control the stress in your life, but you have some control over how it affects you physically and also to make sure you are not making it worse. A certain pattern of eating can subconsciously tell your body that it is under even more stress. If blood sugar levels fluctuate (as they do for many women), your body will be releasing adrenaline and cortisol which are the same hormones it releases when someone is under stress. Also, the effect of these hormones can not only cause the symptoms listed above but also cause weight gain especially around the middle of your body.
So learning how and what to eat – even on the run - in today’s stressful world can make all the difference between feeling slow, tired and unhealthy to being healthy, feeling alive, with a good memory and concentration and full of energy. What you eat and drink can help you balance your hormones, manage stress and eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones will also help you to avoid major health problems in the future.
In order to get your female hormones back in balance, the aim is to eat a good diet, correct any nutrient deficiencies and look at lifestyle issues such as stress in order to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients that you need for your body to regulate itself.
Wednesday 11th November 2020 – 19:00 – 20:30
Wednesday 18th November 2020 – 19:00 – 20:30
Wednesday 25th November 2020 – 19:00 – 20:30
Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD is the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health. She is the Former President of the Food and Health Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine and the author of a number of internationally bestselling books including ‘The Natural Health Bible for Women’ and ‘Natural Solutions to the Menopause’. Dr Glenville runs clinics in Harley Street, London, Kent, Sussex and Ireland and also by phone and Skype.