Understanding the Power of Prayer and the Organic Nature of God

Understanding the Power of Prayer and the Organic Nature of God
My newly released book is my prayer journal titled Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.
Though I began my career as a medical intuitive, I found that my growing interest in the mystery of healing led me to consider the deeper mystical questions about the nature of God and the power of prayer as essential to the healing experience. I also noted during these years evidence that more and more people were unaware that their depressions were, in fact, spiritual crises. But lacking knowledge of how to identify a spiritual crisis, much less how to respond to one, they had no option but to see clinical medication.
Today, I am more convinced than ever that we need an organic understanding of the nature of the Divine: a bio-spiritual-ecological theology in which the nature of the God is understood as woven into the laws of nature, and thus, into our biological design. God is law. This is an impersonal universe. At the same time, the intimate language in this impersonal, sacred universe is prayer. Therein lies the great, holy mystery. I shared my prayer journal as an example of how to engage in intimate prayer with the Divine, a Sacred force that truly is in all creation.
This is the delicious subject of our workshop today. I hope you will join me.