Tears to Triumph: The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment

Tears to Triumph: The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment
Saturday, October 29, 2016 - 10:30
Alternatives says:
Marianne speaks about the themes of her new book Tears to Triumph
Our personal suffering is often a sacred initiation into a deeper experience of who we are as people, and why we’re on the earth. Today, Marianne will explore the origins of deep sadness through a spiritual lens, in order to illumine the path that leads beyond.
- Emotional torment — why is such suffering a part of our experience? What does it mean? And how can we survive it and even transcend it?
- What is the response to suffering at the heart of all great religious teachings?
- Why is it important to be fully available to our suffering, as opposed to suppressing it or numbing it?
- Why has our suffering become a profit center for the pharmaceutical industry?
- What is the relationship between our suffering as individuals and the collective forces that are depressing us all?
- What is the role of forgiveness and love in freeing us from our pain? What are the spiritual principles that deliver us to happiness, and how do we apply them?
The premiere seats are the first 6 rows of the theatre. You will receive a free gift and book signing with Marianne!