SOLD OUT Sacred Landscape of Avebury + Crop Circle phenomenon

SOLD OUT Sacred Landscape of Avebury + Crop Circle phenomenon
Crop circles continue to amaze and baffle as they appear each year in more exciting formations. They have appeared around the world in ice, sand, sunflowers, corn and even tree-tops, yet it is in Britain that they appear the most.
Listen to Francine Blake, renowned crop circle expert and researcher, as she gives an illustrated talk to help unravel some of the mysteries of crop circles. She will explore how the circles may have been formed, their effects and their possible meaning.
In this morning lecture we will be guided through Francine’s résumé of the crop circle phenomenon illustrated throughout with original archival material that will show the scientific evidence of the effects of crop circles on plants and soil; explore some of the meanings contained in the geometric designs; and show a selection of some of the most amazing designs to have graced our fields during the last three decades.
After lunch (provided) we will tour around the sacred sites of Avebury. The Earth Mysteries of this area reach far beyond crop circles, the mythology is ancient and magical. Depending on the availability of Crop Circles, Francine will take us on an exclusive visit to experience and appreciate this extraordinary phenomenon first-hand. We will be exposed to some of the newest theories about the crop circle formations.
The coach leaves St James’s Square, London at 8am and returns at around 8pm the same day