Resolutions and Holding Change with Carolyn Cowan

Resolutions and Holding Change with Carolyn Cowan

Thursday, January 6, 2022 - 19:00 to 20:30
Alternatives says: 
Bring your commitments, resolutions, promises to yourself.

In uncertain times we can always convince ourselves that we “need a treat” and after this chaotic and stressful season we may have made agreements, resolutions and contracts with ourselves for a better version, giving things up, changing habits, taking up exercise.

In this talk, we will explore the drive and imperative to transform, to resolve, to do better.

It is a fundamental human drive, the need to improve ourselves. And in that, we can be tripped up, we can seem to fail, we can find ourselves lacking willpower, not deserving the change, feeling that we are hopeless, and have “failed again”.

We will explore the shame mechanism and how it kicks in, kicks us, just when we feel it is time to do it all differently.

You will learn about the thought processes, tools, and ways to reset and support new habits.  Carolyn will show you how to support change and transformation in this time.

Livestream via Zoom - replay included


About the speaker, Carolyn Cowan

Carolyn Cowan is a Psychosexual Therapist specialising in couples, pre & post natal, addiction, and trauma recovery. She is a Kundalini Yoga teacher and Teacher Trainer and run workshops in various subjects in the UK and abroad.

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