The Night Watchman: Amazonian Guayusa Dream Tea Ceremony

The Night Watchman: Amazonian Guayusa Dream Tea Ceremony
This is a powerful shamanic experiential evening, where you will journey into the dimensions of dreamtime, and altered states. It is a vision quest that challenges your inner warrior, and your sense of space, time and direction, as you step into the mystery of dreamtime.
In a special traditional ceremony, we honor the Guayusa tree spirit with chants, songs and music. As we sip the sacred tea, we go into deep meditative silence in complete darkness, to encounter and communicate with our spirit guides and other spirits, to enable us to bring new visions and awareness into our lives.
The Amazonian Kichwa people of Ecuador believe that the Guayusa plant taught human beings how to dream. It is also called “The Night Watchman” because it sharpens the hunter’s instincts to keep focused energy, while bringing in night vision and awareness. Kichwa families drink gourds of Guayusa around the communal fire from dawn till sunrise as a way to create a tribal bond, and rejuvenate their spirit and bodies. During this time, they share their night’s dreams as the shaman interprets them, so they can plan the day’s course of action. This is also the time when the elders teach the youth about ancestral myths, hunting practices and social ethics.
Guayusa, similar to yerba maté, is a medicinal plant that contains caffeine without the rugged edges, and it’s filled with healthy antioxidants. It also has theobromine, found in chocolate, and L-theanine, found in green tea. You will feel fully alive. It is not hallucinating; it simply activates the brain, not allowing it to go deep into theta/delta states (below the level of the conscious mind), which allows you to “see” your visions.
Itzhak Beery is an internationally recognized shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and author of three Amazon bestseller books. Born in an Israeli Kibbutz, he had a fine art career and was the owner of an award-winning boutique Ad agency in New York City. A midlife crisis led to his shift from a skeptical atheist, and business executive into a passionate believer, aligned with his life purpose.
Since 1995, Itzhak bridges the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous and Western teachers entrusted to him. He was initiated into the "Circle of 24 Yachaks of Imbabura" by his Quechua teacher in Ecuador and by Amazonian Kanamari Pajè in Brazil.
Itzhak is the founder of, The Andes Summit, and co-founder of the New York Shamanic Circle, he is on major global spiritual centers faculties. Itzhak received the 'Ambassador for Peace Award' from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN.
To attend this event you must be fully vaccinated or take a COVID test within 48 hours of your visit. If you are using a Domestic COVID-PASS, we will need to see double vaccination plus 14 days, or a negative test taken within 48 hours, or natural immunity via the pass. If you are not using a Domestic COVID-PASS, please show a vaccination card in your name with evidence of 2 vaccinations. Applies to over 18's only. Masks are now a personal choice.