Morning Pages and More - a workshop with Julia Cameron

Morning Pages and More - a workshop with Julia Cameron
Thursday, July 9, 2020 - 20:00 to 21:30
Alternatives says:
Join Julia presenting her signature tool
Join Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, as she discusses her iconic tool, Morning Pages. Morning Pages are three pages of longhand morning writing about anything-- and millions have used them to write themselves to clarity, adventure and creativity.
Used by artists and non-artists alike, Morning Pages can alter the trajectory of a life, moving you from frustration to productivity. Cameron asserts that "writing by hand leads to a handmade life." Discover precisely how and why to undertake the pages in this live talk with Julia.
Login times - 12pm PT / 8pm BST / 3pm ET
Price in Dollars is $30. If you have any problems booking please email
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