MARIANNE WILLIAMSON - Miraculous Thinking

MARIANNE WILLIAMSON - Miraculous Thinking
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - 19:00
Alternatives says:
Marianne returns to London for two special events
SOLD OUT! Tickets still available for the Saturday Seminar!
In this evening talk, Marianne Williamson will inspire you to create miracle mindedness in your life. Miraculous transformations occur when we change the nature of our thinking from fear and limitation to faith and love.
According to A Course in Miracles every thought we think creates form on some level. If your mind is in a loving place, your experience will reflect that. The way to change the nature of your experience is to change the nature of your thought.
If you have any problems booking on this page then please click here to place the order through Eventbrite or call 020 7287 6711