The Language of Shamanism

The Language of Shamanism
Do you understand all the subtle meanings and teachings from your shamanic journeys and plant medicine visions? Many practitioners do not get the full communication of spirits.
The shamanic language is the creative art of poetry,
to create a narrative, using symbols, metaphors, deep knowing, and deciphering sounds, colors, feelings, and objects.
Expands the understanding of your shamanic visions, journeys, plant medicine visions, and dreams. Discover how to decode and translate the shamanic poetic language. This work will help you and your clients be more appreciative of the visions, take decisive actions, and make life's transformative decisions with broader and deeper awareness.
Our visionary, intuitive mind, our other senses, such as smells, touch, sounds, tastes, make profound connections and associations between seemingly unrelated images, sensations, and messages. It speaks to us in primordial feelings, forms, symbols, metaphors, and idioms. It shows itself in various archetypical colors, physical and emotional feelings, body sensations, unexplained knowing, hearing voices and sounds, and various animals and topographies. It is good to remember that ancient languages originated from mimicking nature sounds and phenomena’s is not prose or logical. It is the original language of magic and poetry.
In this intensive three sessions course, our workgroup will learn to share our visions, learn to connect the dots, create an action plan and learn how to communicate it to our clients.