Exploring Shame

Exploring Shame
Shame is a dark and uneasy emotion lurking within the depths of the psyche. When stirred, it can fire up a host of painful emotions and a deep and unavoidable desire to change how we feel, and is thus a major trigger for the addictive personality. Shame is insidious, hard to identify, awful to feel, tricky to contain and easy to pass on.
Tuesday 21 September
Session 1 – Where does shame come from?
This session explores how did we end up feeling shame? We will explore the different types of shame, including generational & experienced.
Tuesday 28 September
Session 2 – How does shame impact our sense of self?
Here we will begin to understand how deeply shame runs through our body, our sense of belonging, our behaviours, including risk, anxiety and compulsion.
Tuesday 5 October
Session 3 – How do we let it go and heal?
This is the biggest question of all, and the one Carolyn is asked all the time. This session explores this question in depth.
These are strong sessions on an intense subject. They are educational, and in that way, the anxious or traumatic feelings are reduced and it becomes a learning experience rather than a triggering time. You are not invited to share your story, but to get a better picture of how your story plays out in you, around you and for you.