Exploding the Diet Myths – How To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy Without Dieting

Exploding the Diet Myths – How To Lose Weight And Stay Healthy Without Dieting
Come to this workshop with Dr Marilyn Glenville to find out why diets don’t work and what does.
Do calories count and are all calories equal? Paleo versus keto versus intermittent fasting – do they work? How effective are vegan and vegetarian diets for weight loss and how to keep yourself healthy on them. Does the timing of your food make a difference? Think of a number diet 5:2, 16:8, 12:12 - this day will sort out the confusion. And show you how to eat if your weight is piling on around your middle which can increase your risk of breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Find out what to eat to give you a way of eating that becomes a way of life and helps you to be healthy and live longer. Find out what nutrients can help you to lose weight faster, what exercise works best and does your DNA hold the clue to your ideal way to eat for weight loss and health.