Energy Vampire: Learn to Diagnose. Protect and Rejuvenate

Energy Vampire: Learn to Diagnose. Protect and Rejuvenate
2 x 90 min sessions Thursday 17th March and Friday 18th March at 7pm
An "Energy Vampire" is a phrase coined for someone who feeds off other people's life force. Sometimes intentionally and occasionally unconsciously, they try to overcome their wounded low self-esteem by gaining personal power, control, and authority over others.
A 'vampire' may seduce their unsuspected victims by employing a web of deceit by reviving old dormant traumas and creating unnecessary drama, never taking personal responsibility, and constantly dwelling on being a victim. They have an acute sense that could easily manipulate their prey. Their tools are to provoke pithiness, regularly flattering their victims, become inseparable and needed by the victim, and spread strategic poisonous gossip.
It leaves those targeted drained of positive energy. It can lead to sickness, depression, loss of sense of reality, and accurate judgment.
This webinar will explore a few ways to recognize if you are currently or in the past targeted, what you can do to shield yourself off, shamanic healing tools to protect yourself, and the process of rejuvenation.