Creativity Boot Camp - A Four-Week Course

Creativity Boot Camp - A Four-Week Course
Sunday, November 7, 2021 - 20:00 to Sunday, November 28, 2021 - 21:30
Alternatives says:
'The Queen of Change' - The New York Times
Do you live in the city, yet yearn for adventure? Are you hungry for a deeper and fuller life? Do you wish you could find a more authentic “you”?
Join best-selling author Julia Cameron for an intensive four-week trek to explore your personal creative terrain. Tools will include Morning Pages, Artist Dates and walks. Classes will be a mix of lecture, Q&A, and experiential work in creative clusters. Expect this course to jump-start your creative process and introduce you to a creative community.
4 x 90 min sessions with Julia over Zoom
Sundays 7/14/21/28 November