Creative Myths and Monsters: an Artist's Way Intensive 21 day journey

Creative Myths and Monsters: an Artist's Way Intensive 21 day journey

Friday, May 22, 2020 - 20:00 to Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 21:00
Personal Growth
Alternatives says: 
Not too late to join - get a recording of session 1 and join us next week live!

Join Julia Cameron for an exclusive 21 day journey online!

Julia will join us for 4 live sessions on zoom, over 3 weeks, to lead you through a transformative process online. During these you will be able to ask Julia questions and watch the replay of the sessions at your leisure.

Discover and recover your creative self with Julia Cameron, author of the groundbreaking book The Artist’s Way. Now is the time to release your dreams and launch a more creative life, simply by doing something you love.

Come into an intensive, guided encounter with your own creativity, including your private villains, champions, wishes, fears, dreams, hopes, and triumphs.

First published in 1992, The Artist’s Way is credited with helping millions of people find and express authentic creativity in their lives and work. Find out how in this exclusive event with Julia, designed to set you free.

It is my hope that during this period of uncertainty, we lean into our creativity, awakening our spirit, so that we feel more deeply alive.

~ Julia Cameron, Santa Fe, New Mexico


Session times - UK LONDON TIME  BST. (GMT+1)  Click here for WORLD TIME CONVERTER 

 (1pm MDT / 2pm CDT /  3pm EST / 8pm BST London)


8pm - 18th May Session 1 - 90 mins

8pm - 25th May Session 2 - 90 mins

8pm - 1st June Session 3 - 90 mins

8pm - 7th June Session 4 - 90 mins


Julia Cameron, hailed by the New York Times as “The Queen of Change,” is credited with starting a movement in 1992 that has brought creativity into the mainstream conversation—in the arts, in business, and in everyday life.

She is the best-selling author of more than forty books, both fiction and nonfiction; a poet, songwriter, filmmaker; and playwright. Commonly referred to as “The Godmother” or “High Priestess” of creativity, her tools are based in practice, not theory, and she considers herself “the floor sample of her own toolkit.”

Her book, The Artist’s Way has been translated into forty languages and sold more than 5 million copies to date.


Early Bird £95 until 10th May (£144 thereafter)


About the speaker, Julia Cameron

Hailed by the New York Times as “The Queen of Change,” JULIA CAMERON is credited with starting a movement in 1992 that has brought creativity into the mainstream conversation— in the arts, in business, and in everyday life. She is the best-selling author of more than forty books, fiction and nonfiction; a poet, songwriter, filmmaker and playwright. Commonly referred to as “The Godmother” or “High Priestess” of creativity, her tools are based in practice, not theory, and she considers herself “the floor sample of her own toolkit.” The Artist’s Way has been translated into forty languages and sold over five million copies to date. 

18th May Session 1
25th May Session 2
1st June Session 3
7th June Session 4