Coiling Silk Qigong: Dissolve Tension, Renew Vitality

Coiling Silk Qigong: Dissolve Tension, Renew Vitality
Sunday, September 20, 2020 - 15:30 to 17:00
Alternatives says:
Ken Cohen M.A is a renowned qigong grandmaster from Colorado with 50 years’ experience.
In Coiling Silk Qigong various parts of the body turn slowly on a stable axis, like the turning of a wheel, or the unwinding of a silk cocoon.
The legacy of Ken Cohen’s teacher, Madame Gao Fu, Coiling Silk gently opens and closes the joints, improves posture and breathing, develops resilience and supple strength, and stimulates the life force, qi, to flow without obstruction. You will learn a complete coiling silk qigong practice for personal well-being.