COACH CAMP - 3-Day Coaching Masterclass Bringing Out The Best in Yourself & Others

COACH CAMP - 3-Day Coaching Masterclass Bringing Out The Best in Yourself & Others
‘I love Coach Camp! It’s my chance to share my latest thinking with you - what inspires me most
right NOW - in my life and work.” Robert Holden
Join Robert Holden on COACH CAMP - a 3-day Coaching Masterclass on which Robert shares life-changing lessons from 25 years’ experience as a teacher, mentor and coach.
Robert brings COACH CAMP to the UK for the first time this summer – partnering with Alternatives! Over 2000 coaches, authors, movers and shakers have attended COACH CAMP in North America – to rave reviews.
At COACH CAMP Robert shares the philosophy and methods of his scientifically tested work with The Happiness Project (founded 1994) and his leadership programs with Success Intelligence (Est. 2000). He also reveals how working with A Course in Miracles, the Enneagram, The Hero’s Journey, and with teachers like Louise Hay, has helped take his work to a higher level.
COACH CAMP is ideal for YOU if you wish to take a deep dive in your spiritual growth and/or expand your business as a professional coach. “I’ve coached CEOs, entrepreneurs, authors, artists and coaches to raise their game for 25 years now,” says Robert, “I love sharing my coaching toolbox to help people live their purpose, heal their relationships, grow their business, and serve the world.”
Robert presents ten 90-minute coaching modules at COACH CAMP that feature a creative mix of coaching exercises, conversations, meditations and live coaching on stage. Key themes include:
SOUL-CENTERED COACHING The purpose of being a coach is to help YOU and OTHERS live a soul-centered life. Robert presents his theory of coaching that he teaches on the Santa Monica University’s Soul-Centered Coaching program.
THE HAPPINESS PROJECT There is a world of difference between searching for happiness and following your joy! Robert shares key principles and practices from his 8-week happiness program – featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show and proven by scientists at Oxford University to be “a genuine fast-track to happiness.”
SUCCESS INTELLIGENCE The next level of success is really a dare to be the real you! Robert shares inspiration from his highly acclaimed Success Intelligence Mastermind Group, a 6-month coaching journey for taking your success to the next level.
SHIFT HAPPENS! Who you think you are can’t handle your greatest challenges; but who you really are can and will! Robert’s talk-show Shift Happens! is in its 10th year with Hay House Radio. Here, he shows how to encounter fear, self-doubt, inner-criticism, stuck-ness and other obstacles on your path.
SELF-LOVE & THE ENNEAGRAM “The Enneagram is the most powerful tool I know for undoing blocks to happiness, success, love and abundance,” says Robert. Robert demonstrates how he uses the Enneagram for self-coaching and coaching others. This session includes 9 practical exercises on loving and being loved.
EVERYDAY MIRACLES A miracle is a shift you experience each time you choose love instead of fear. Robert shares how being a student of A Course in Miracles has inspired his life and his work as a coach. In this module, he focuses on the miracle of forgiveness.
YOUR HERO’S JOURNEY “The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.” said Joseph Campbell, creator of The Hero’s Journey. Robert helps you to commit more fully to your SACRED YES – the YES that helps you live your life on purpose.
SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Leadership is not just a position; it’s a way of being! Robert shares inspiration on leadership from his work with clients like DOVE & The Real Beauty Campaign, Hay House, Virgin, Unilever and The Body Shop.
COACH CAMP is a great opportunity to experience the breadth and depth of Robert Holden’s work. Feedback from the recent COACH CAMP in Toronto included, “Amazing energy!” “Great spirit of community”, “A Safe space”, “Game-changing!” “Great new coaching exercises”, “Great fun!” and “Each new Coach Camp is better than the last one!”
Early price available until March 31st! Only £299
(£399 after March)
Robert Holden’s innovative work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens!, and in two major BBC-TV documentaries, The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy. Robert coaches and mentors people from all walks of life. His corporate clients include Dove & Real Beauty Campaign and The Body Shop. He served as Hay House leadership coach for five years. He teaches Leadership & Enneagram to clients like Google and IBM.
Robert has presented talks and workshops for ALTERNATIVES every year since 1994. He has given two popular TED talks – The Tea Meditation and Destination Addiction. He is a New York Times best-selling author. His books include Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens!, Authentic Success, Loveability, and Life Loves You, co-written with Louise Hay. Robert is an official contributor to and the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He hosts a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio called Shift Happens! He is currently writing a book of poetry called Finding Love Everywhere.
“The beliefs I live by today were inspired by my coaching sessions with Robert. The results were extraordinary and my appreciation for his generosity and inspiration immense.”
Liz Trubridge, Executive Producer, Downton Abbey
“A HUGE thank you Robert! Your coaching, keynotes and workshops have inspired everyone at Dove and The Real Beauty campaign.”
Silvia Lagnado, President, Dove & Real Beauty Campaign
“Robert Holden’s Coach Camp brings together Robert at his best on success, leadership, lovability, happiness and spirituality. We came away renewed, inspired and enthused as educators.”
Drs. Mary & Ron Hulnick, Co-Directors of University of Santa Monica
“Robert Holden is my friend, teacher, and co-author of our book Life Loves You. I am so happy to know Robert and his family. I recommend his work wholeheartedly.”
Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life
"Robert Holden is a brilliant coach. If you get the chance to work with him, or participate in a workshop - take it!”
Margarete Nielsen, C.O.O. of Hay House
“You feel loved in his [Robert’s] presence; he has clearly done the inner work of moving past his own defenses, making space in his heart for someone else’s love to enter. And when he does that – and when any of us do that – miracles happen.”
Marianne Williamson, from the Foreword to Loveability
“Dr Robert Holden’s happiness training not only changes the way you feel; it actually changes the way your brain functions.”
Professor Richard Davidson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Robert is a gifted teacher. His work transforms lives.”
Deepak Chopra, author of Seven Spiritual Laws of Success